martes, 26 de julio de 2011

Past Continuous

We use the past continuous to talk about:

  • an action that was in progress at a time in the past. The action started before that time and continued after that time: I was watching TV at six.
  • two actions that were in progress at the same time in the past: I was talking to Luke while Kate was making dinner.
We use while with the two verbs. Notice when we use a comma (,):
I was talking to Luke while Kate was making dinner.
While Kate was making dinner, I was talking to Luke.

I / She / He / It was playing.
You / We / They were playing.

I / She / He / It wasn´t playing.
You / We / They weren´t playing.

Was I / she / he / it playing?
Were you / we / they playing?

Exercise 1
Exercise 2
Exercise 3
Exercise 4
Exercise 5